Corporate information
Download a one-pager describing the foundation’s mission and activities here http://www.fundacioncienciayevolucion.cl/revoluciondarwin/OnePager.pdf
Download a one-pager describing the foundation’s mission and activities here http://www.fundacioncienciayevolucion.cl/revoluciondarwin/OnePager.pdf
The CAS-UDD School of Medicine of Universidad del Desarrollo brings Lynn Margulis to Chile
Beagle: On the future of species
The VPRO-Beagle ship the Clipper Stad Amsterdam reconstructs Darwin’s 5-year long voyage on the HMS Beagle in the course of one year
Follow the crew live http://beagle.vpro.nl
Scientific journal, Nature, celebrates Darwin´s 200th anniversary in a special report.
Link http://www.nature.com/news/specials/darwin/index.html
Special 300th edition of Edge covering the seminar Darwin’s Intellectual Legacy to the XXI Century
Now available for everybody to share. Soon all edited videos one by one.
Darwin´s REvolution Summit, Santiago, Chile
The seminarDarwin’s Intellectual Legacy to the XXI Century will be available via the Internet and TV thanks to our Media Partners. The seminar starts 9:00 a.m. CLT on Monday September 7.
Monday September 7
LINK SPANISH “REvolución Darwin. El Legado Intelectual de Darwin en el Siglo XXI”
LINK ENGLISH “Darwin´s REvolution. Darwin’s Intellectual Legacy to the XXI Century”
Tuesday September 8
LINK SPANISH “REvolución Darwin. El Legado Intelectual de Darwin en el Siglo XXI”
LINK ENGLISH “Darwin´s REvolution. Darwin’s Intellectual Legacy to the XXI Century”
Broadcast live on digital UHF channel 33, only in Santiago.
Live streaming.